Inceputurile ChronoTrack sunt din anul 2008, in prezent furnizand servicii de gestionare a evenimentelor pe 6 continente, in peste 50 de tari cu peste 225 de parteneri.
ChronoTrack este un furnizor de incredere pentru industria evenimentelor sportive. ChronoTrack ofera cel mai complet set de solutii, pornind de la inregistrarea pentru eveniment pana la echipamente pentru cursa, cronometrare, servicii live din tipul evenimentului si media.
- In 2008, Chronotrack a redefinit industria cu D-tag de unica folosinta si complexul sistem de cronometrare.
- In 2010, ChronoTrack a ridicat stafeta lansand B-tag si MiniTracker-ul in sistemul de cronometrare.
- In 2012, ChronoTrack lanseaza Live ChronoTrack, platforma de ultima generatie pentru sistemul de management si inregistrare, cronometrare si servicii live pentru cursa ta.
- In 2013, ChronoTrack anunta colaborarea cu Athlinks, un website de social networking destinat atletilor ce participa la competii de anduranta. In primul rand aceasta prezinta rezultatele de la competitiile de: running, swimming, cycling, mountain bike, triathlon si adventure racing. De asemenea este prezentat ca un mijloc de comunicare intre atleti, alti competitori dar si amatori la nivel local si global.
Peste 150 de milioane de rezultate | 300.000 de evenimente | 400.000 de atleti ... si povestile lor.
Evenimente cu sistemul ChronoTrack
Drew Woodly Marketing Mayor, Electric Run"We have found the endurance email marketing is delivering a strong ROI in each of our markets to date. I would recommend it to any company looking to expand their outreach and hit targeted demographics in specific markets or on a national level."
Todd Jackson Tahoe Trail Series"We’ve significantly reduced the time we spend managing our series and the flexible point system has helped us increase interest and competition."
Nancy Lieberman GO! St. Louis President"We want a great experience for our athletes, including user-friendly registration and race check-in, accurate race results and the newest in live race services. ChronoTrack and its timing partners are providing us the best one stop solution for our organization and events."
Tom Kelley New York Road Runners Director of Race Scoring"We are very pleased with our record-breaking year and the results we had with ChronoTrack technology and team. It was the largest marathon ever with the most split points and largest amount of timing data ever collected."